Monday, February 2, 2015

Well first thing first, I haven't did any of the things that I said I was going to do in the new year.

I am suppose to be reading fifty books this year and I have yet to read any.
I am also suppose to be taking pictures of the kiddos, that has not happen either, oh and I got it in my brain that I would scrapbook once a month, hasn't happened(I am so thankful for instagram, this is my digital scrapbook.)

Not doing any of this in the past would have made me feel bad and less of a woman, but I have been busy being mommy. I have been changing diapers, combing hair, and helping with homework. So I have been things, important things and maybe I will get around to reading and doing some other things.


I joined the Goodreads 2015 reading challenge, I am going to read 50 books this year. I am off to a horrible start, seeing that I haven't read any books yet this month. But I am putting no pressure on myself.

I want to start scrapbooking more, at least one page per month.

This week I am taking professional pictures of the kids, fingers crossed that MJ cooperates!!!

I am doing a renovation to my house...its more of a moving furniture around and buying pieces to make our house look better.

I have a habit of always taking care of others, making sure that my husband and kids have everything they need and what is left over I use that for me.

Let's see if I can do any of these things.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Year

I am writing this post from my phone, I don't do well with New Years resolutions, with that said I do have a few in mind. Don't know if I am going to follow through with all of them, I am putting no pressure on myself to get them all done.I hope everyone is having a good year.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Holiday season

I am so excited about the holiday season, the decorations, the music, and the food. One thing I am horrible at is last minute shopping, I am the one running the one shopping on Christmas Eve. So this year I plan on being through the second week in December, that is going to be a small miracle. I am going to post holiday guides that I think my kids and my husband will like. So check back and see.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I haven't read any new books lately...

I have been feeling inspired lately to be creative, I just don't have the time

I need to drink more water and exercise more, again just don't have the time

I want to go back to Orlando, I had so much FUN!!

I am ready for Christmas

Sunday, June 8, 2014


I have a few books that I plan to read this month

The Husband's Secret
The Book Thief 
Green Smoothie Joy
The Lighting Between Oceans

I really hope that I can read all these books in a month

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


What are dreams, better question what are my dreams. I think that mine got lost with having kids, being a wife, and trying to keep my head above water. I had dreams, stuff that I wanted to do, things I dreamed of doing. I maybe getting up there in age, but there are things that I like to do and now is the time to do it, put myself out there and risk it all...